Thursday, April 08, 2010

SB 1200 Signed Into AZ Law

AZ Sportmen for Wildlife is a politically active organization whose mission is to promote wildlife, wildlife habitat, and continuation of our hunting and fishing traditions. Read about them as you might want to join. It takes political funding to keep your rights.

This bill establishes a Game and Fish five member Commission Recommendation Board that:
  • Assists the Governor to identify prospective AZGFD Commission candidates.
  • Conduct a public forum for the public to meet AZGFD Commission applicants.
  • Review applications and make a recommendation to the Governor.
  • May make recommendations to Legislature on AZGFD Commission qualifications.
There is a five year term limit and the person must have been a resident for five years prior. It also allows the Governor to remove a commissioner for cause.
The board is Governor appointed and is to consist of three sportsman representatives, one member from the cattle/ranching community, and one public member of a non-game organization.

Take the time to follow the title link and thank your Reps and Gov. They could use the support as they are still under opposing forces from people like PETA and others who were vehemently against this.

Heaven forbid that you have a commission made up of hunting/fishing, ranching, and non-game personnel. You should only have one that is loaded with people from HSUS. OK - snarkoff.

The anti's want to control the AZGFD money that comes from license fee, hunt tags, watercraft license fees, and excise tax on ammunition, hunting & fishing equipment, and other federal matching funds. The AZGFD does not receive any general fund dollars. This way the anti's can shut down hunting & fishing and control all the money for whatever moronic idea they have next.

More and more of our money is being channeled into non-game species habitat etc. Don't let them take it all while shutting down hunting and ranching. You might even want to contact your reps on the upcoming state amendment that guarantees the right to hunt and fish.

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