Wednesday, July 01, 2015

Okinawa Day 12 - 14

We went South to go to the Naval Underground (Japanese Headquarters) and then to the Peace Memorial Museum. 
 The Naval Underground was interesting in that it was the last bastion as the Japanese retreated South from US forces. The headquarters was formally more central in Shuri. They used the Okinawans as forced labor to excavate the tunnels. It was all done by hand.

 Then we were off to the Okinawa Prefectural Peace Memorial Museum. Photos were not allowed in the museum proper.

There is a field of monuments with the names or the people (including the Americans) who died during WWII on the island. This was a proper lead in to our Memorial Day.

Okinawa– Day 13
Pack it up. We also went over to the neighbors for dinner. It was enjoyable. It finally decided to rain steadily. We have been so lucky in that the weather has been agreeable the whole trip.

Okinawa– Day 14
Off to the airport. I understand the Japan had a 5.2 earthquake about the time we were landing in Narita. We did not even feel it so we were probably in the landing process.

We got the house about 4PM Tucson time and everything was fine. I ran off to the grocery store for lunch supplies after unpacking. I needed to get a few things before I sat down and passed out!

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