Sunday, December 18, 2011

Interview Questionaire

I get bored with the usual interview process so I decided to try a few different questions. Suggestions for addition or improvements are welcome!

1 -  Do you know what our firm is and what we do? (Circle one answer)
If your answer is "Yes", then explain below what our firm is and does.
If your answer is "No", then explain why you were too lazy to look it up.
2 -  Do you know what the positions you applied for entails? (Circle one answer)
If your answer is "Yes", then give description below.
If your answer is "No", then explain why you are bothering to apply.
3 -  Why would we chose you over the other applicants? (Circle one answer)
A -  Snappy dresser.
B -  You deserve it.
C -  You don't know.
D -  You feel that you're very qualified.
If your answer is "D", then give description of qualifications.
If your answer is other than "D", then give an explanation of favorable trait.
4 -  Tell me how you handled a stressful situation that occurred on your last job.
(Circle one answer)
A -  I cried a lot.
B -  I don't feel stress.
C -  I went home.
D -  None of the above.
If your answer is "D", then give description of what you did.
If your answer is other than "D", then give an explanation of actions.
5 -  I see you program in MS Access. How would you link an indexed field variable
to display on mouseover?
(Circle one answer)
A -  I don't have mice.
B -  I don't like mice.
C -  This is a trick question as a mouseover is like getting a perm.
D -  None of the above.
If your answer is "D", then give a brief description of how to do it.
If your answer is other than "D", give some explanation that might amuse us.
6 -  Which co-worker at your last job did you get along with least well? 
(Circle one answer)
A -  Supervisor
B -  Co-Worker
C -  Father
D -  None of the above.
Give explanation of why you did not get along.
7 -  What did you do about the person you did not get along with?
(Circle one answer)
A -  Swore and spat
B -  Cried a lot
C -  Told my father
D -  None of the above.
If your answer is "D", then give a brief description of how you alleviated the situation.
If your answer is other than "D", explain how this helped.
8 -  What best describes your sense of humor?
(Circle one answer)
A -  Good.
B -  I laugh all the time.
C -  Warped
D -  I have none, it was surgically removed.
If your answer is "D", then no explanation is required.
If your answer is other than "D", give examples.
9 -  Do you know what the meaning of the following acronyms are? 
(Circle one answer)
If your answer is "No", then no explanation is required.
If your answer is "Yes", explain which is your favorite and why.
10 -  Are you familiar with the cartoon "Dilbert"? 
(Circle one answer)
How would you define the cartoon "Dilbert"? 
(Circle one answer)
A -  I don't find it funny.
B -  I like it.
C -  It is just a cartoon and most are not funny.
D -  It is an inspirational insight to the engineering world.
If your answer is "No", then no explanation is required.
If your answer is "Yes", further explain your answer.


Kevin said...

"Dilbert" isn't a cartoon, it's a DOCUMENTARY.

Aren't you running out of space to put people?

Primeval Papa said...

Dilbert does seem to ring true more often than not. Yes - we are running our of space. We purchased the property north of us including a couple of the existing buildings. One building is occupied but the other is vacant.