Thursday, March 12, 2009

When Those Who Don’t Pay Taxes Run the Nation

Very accurate article out of the ?Canadian Free Press? Why don't we see this out of our own press? That's a rethorical question. Read the entire column as it is quite good.

"According to the IRS, as of the 2006 federal tax reports, 97.01% of all federal taxes collected are paid by the top 50% of income earners in the nation. The bottom 50% of income earners pay only 2.99% of the federal tax haul, most paying nothing at all or getting “tax refunds” for taxes they never paid to begin with.
The break point is only $32,000 annual income. Below this income you are considered too poor to pay taxes, and above this income, you are one of “the rich” who is expected to pick up the tab for the half of the country that do not pay taxes.
Half of the nation (the greedy), pay for the other half of the nation, (the cheated.)
This item alone is what divides America today and it is the only significant difference between the political right which represents the taxpayers, and the political left which panders only to those who have come to believe that they are entitled to the earnings and private property of others. "

"If you remove all of the voting blocs that are attempting to vote themselves gifts from the public trough, Democrats couldn’t garner more than 20% public support in any national election today. But add all of those groups together and offer to buy their loyalty with the property of others and you have yourself a political juggernaut that will win political power for the next generation or two. "

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